Collective Care.

Shaping Change through connection in Community

A Call for Collective Awakening

Bearing Witness is an act of community care. Together we take actions to shape change. Community engagement to support systemic change for collective liberation.

Creative Action For Change

Creative Action For Change

A movement for creativity, community and connection. A practical toolkit for embodying the power of change with creative action.

Community Engagement

A creative initiative harnessing the power of creative action for change. Creative ways to engage in social justice to support lasting change and collective liberation.

Children's Senses Worksheet

Children's Senses  Worksheet Created by Natasha Iregbu

Mindful Breathing For Children

Mindful Breathing For Children, Created by Natasha Iregbu

Palestine History Resources Image

Palestine Zine, created by Nylah Khan, for families.

“Connecting to our indigeneity within. To our sacred nature, as native to the earth, calling back our power and sovereignty, through remembrance and deep listening. Our INTERCONNECTION is the root of our HEALING .”

— Tessa Welsh