Loving the Mama

Sacred Sovereignty in pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

Reclaim your Autonomy and Power

Pregnancy is a Rite of Passage. Birth is a potent and powerful initiation into Motherhood.

Motherhood is our Spiritual Practice, in deepest connection with self, earth and the collective.

Full Birth Support

Tailored one to one support through Pregnancy, Birth and the Post Natal period.

BIRTH WORKS. How we Birth Matters.

Do you want to experience autonomous, physiological birth, in your power?

In the UK, Induction of Labour is more than 25% (Sara Wickham, 2021).

Research shows having a birth support, reduces need for intervention and positively impacts, women's experiences of birth.

Here are some examples of what my birth support role could include;

  • Continuity of care through pregnancy, birth and post birth.

  • Exploring belief systems, hopes, fears, and working to build confidence and trust.

  • Providing informational support and resources, so feel informed and ready for birth and Motherhood.

  • Tailored Movement & embodiment practices to support more comfort, ease, and pleasure in pregnancy and birth, 

    Active Birth Preparation tools to equip you and your birth partner/team to birth in your autonomy and power.

  • Communicating your wishes to care providers, protecting and holding space.

  • Herbal teas, traditional Practices, and foods to nourish you in this time.

  • Oceans of love, laughs and herbal teas on tap.

  • Personal Birth team chat space to check in, ask questions and connect.

  • 24 hour oncall support for 4 weeks around your guesstimated due date.

Interested in any of the above?

Get in touch for a chat, or for more information and pricing.

before your birth.

Antenatal Support

Embrace your pregnancy, make some space to trust and connect with your body and baby. Holistic one to one antenatal support, to inform, empower and serve your unique needs. 

  • Ready to prepare for birthing in your full power and autonomy?

  • Want to prepare for your dream birth but feel overwhelmed?

  • Do you want to be informed and equipped to navigate the care system feeling respected and safe?

  • Do you want to avoid unnecessary intervention?

  • Want practical tools to build confidence and trust in your body and baby? 

after your birth.

post natal support.

Journey through this period of huge adjustment and intensity, feeling supported and loved.The first 40 days after the birth of your baby is an incredible time like no other. Heres Some examples of one to one support to honour and prioritise wellbeing for you and your baby.

  • Support with feeding.

  • Use of props to promote resting well and relieving tension.

  • Food preparation to support post birth digestion and healing.

  • Use of traditional techniques and herbs for health.

  • Baby care while you have a cup of tea, rest, have a bath.

  • Holding space, for you to share, feel loved, valued and cared for.

What People Are Saying

“As a doula Tess will hold you through your journey, advocate, be your cheerleader, wisewoman and friend. She will remind you of your strengths and work with you to reclaim your power, to meet the challenges that arise with trust and an open heart. As a pre and post natal yoga and birth prep teacher, skillfully shares practices to nurture and nourish you as you need, and holds space to share, connect and build community with other people”


“Tess was a fountain of knowledge and support in the lead up to the birth. I’d already been won over, but it was in the birthing room that I felt her influence most. I can firmly say that my wife and I would not have had the birth that we wanted if Tess wasn’t there. She was just brilliant.”

Svetlana & Kevin

Thanks for supporting me through the transitional time of pregnancy & birth again!  It's hard to put in words how much your caring and accepting attitude helps to regain trust when needed. Your movement sequences are a treat for body and mind and it's wonderful how you spontaneously target the areas currently needing some attention that day. I feel like a newborn myself after every single class :)


Emma and Jay

“There maybe aren’t enough excellent words to describe the support we received from Tess. Tess became part of our family. When “birth”day came everyone felt so comfortable together, supporting, sharing and holding one another. It’s part of Tess’s magic powers to make it not feel like work or transactional, but gentle, fun and loving. I was classed as “high risk” by the NHS, but with the support of Tess, I was still able to advocate for the birth I deeply desired and needed. Her knowledge and advocacy experience really shone through. my husband was a little unsure of the role of doula/ that it would make him redundant; but he now highly recommends anyone to consider a doula. Tess gave him a lot of confidence to be able to maintain boundaries and prepare. There are SO many other special thing I could write, like about the post birth tea elixirs she presented at the perfect moment, or the way we laughed through contractions; Tess is a total legend and if you are lucky enough to have her supporting you or your family - dive in.”

Sacred Birth With Tess

Reach out to me below, if you want to chat about how I can support you in Pregnancy birth or Post Partum.